Lords of the fallen shield enemies
Lords of the fallen shield enemies

Your energy depletes when you roll, attack, and block, so it's always important to have some in reserve, just in case it's needed. If an enemy uses a large attack-say, an overhead swing or a long-distance lunge-it's often best to quickly roll out of the way, then slash at their side once you get back on your feet.Įnergy, which had a brief mention above, plays a super-important role in battle. Some enemies recover faster than others, though, so you can't always rely on throwing up your shield until they tire themselves out. Most enemies have a 2-4 hit combo, with a small window of recovery time afterwards that offers an ideal moment to attack. After locking on to an opponent, draw back a bit with your shield up, and watch them cycle through their attacks. While you may feel the urge to run in and start slashing away, that's rarely a good idea-especially if your enemy has a shield. Now that you understand defense, let's talk about fighting effectively.

lords of the fallen shield enemies

And shields don't necessarily block all attacks: Some strong attacks are meant to deplete your energy entirely, while others can "leak" through your shield and affect your HP. Keep in mind that how long you can block attacks is dependent on your energy, represented by the orange bar underneath your health meter. Keeping your shield up while squaring off against an opponent also makes for a good starting strategy, especially if you haven't learned what that specific foe can do.

lords of the fallen shield enemies lords of the fallen shield enemies

When exploring unfamiliar territory, it's best to keep your shield up at all times in case you're unexpectedly attacked by enemies in hiding. Lords of the Fallen will definitely punish you for button-mashing its slow, methodical combat relies entirely on your ability to spot openings, and knowledge of your currently equipped weapon.

lords of the fallen shield enemies

Combat Strategies for Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the fallen shield enemies